ANSA – Coronavirus, un anno di pandemia – LO SPECIALE Con la positività al virus del paziente 1 di Codogno e con i 55 italiani rientrati da Wuhan, una città della Cina che allora sembrava lontana. E con la coppia di turisti cinesi ricoverati a Roma

AP – With heavy hearts, Italians mark year of COVID-19 outbreak
CODOGNO, Italy (AP) — With wreath-laying ceremonies, tree plantings and church services, Italians on Sunday marked one year since their country experienced its first known COVID-19 death.

Buzzfeednews – It’s Been One Year Since This Photographer Started Documenting Italy’s Response To Its First COVID Case
Photographer Matteo de Mayda captured this Italian town as it went from being a red zone to one of the healthiest places in Italy.

Nasal swabs were used to test all 3,100 citizens of the town; such a thorough investigation of an entire population was unprecedented. Matteo De Mayda