ANSA – Highest audience figures since 2000 for final night

The duo made up of singers Mahmood and Blanco are set to try to defend the Eurovision title won last year by Maneskin after they triumphed at a record-breaking 2022 Sanremo Music Festival at the weekend with a piece entitled Brividi (Shivers) It was the third time Mahmood has prevailed at the much-loved week-long song contest after he won in 2019 with a track called Soldi (Money), having taken the top prize in the festival’s young artists section the previous year. The final night attracted around 13.2 million viewers to Stare broadcaster RAI’s flagship RAI1 channel, 65% of Italy’s TV audience share, the highest level since 2000. The festival, presented for the third year by artistic director Amadeus, attracted an average of 11.2 million viewers each night, over 58% of the share. It brought in 42 million euros in advertising revenue and also did well in terms of attracting younger viewers and generating interest on social media.
Mahmood & Blanco win ‘Festival di Sanremo’ and will represent Italy
Eurovision – Before competing in Sanremo, all contestants are required to tell broadcaster Rai whether they would be willing to represent Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest should they triumph… shortly after the show, the pair confirmed that they will travel to Turin.

Mahmood & Blanco win ‘Festival di Sanremo’ and with it… the most fabulous trophy we’ve ever seen!RAI
This will be Mahmood’s second Eurovision appearance having already represented Italy with his song Soldi in 2019, finishing second in Tel Aviv.