MonrtealGazette – Meanwhile, an emergency room pediatrician hails the reopening of swimming pools and indoor skating rinks as “a great step forward” for the well-being of kids. Vincent Guzzo is happy to finally be allowed to reopen his cinemas, but he’s worried about popcorn — not being able to sell it, that is President of the Guzzo Cinemas chain, he was disappointed that the government will forbid popcorn and soft drink sales in theatres once they open up again.

“That’s crazy,” Guzzo said. “Now we have a discussion to have. There’s no way theatres are going to want to open with those conditions.”

“That’s crazy,” Guzzo said. “Now we have a discussion to have. There’s no way theatres are going to want to open with those conditions.”

GlobalNews – Coronavirus: Quebec movie theatres can re-open, but not sell food and drink

Children on March break will be able to go to the movies, but they won’t be able to enjoy a bag of popcorn. The government says sitting in a theatre with a mask on poses minimum risk while allowing spectators to take those masks off to consume food and drink is much riskier.