MILAN (AP) — Russia has signed a deal to produce its Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine in Italy, the first contract in the European Union, the Italian Russian Chamber of Commerce announced Tuesday.

The deal was signed with Adienne Srl, the Italian subsidiary of a Swiss-based pharmaceutical company, and Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund. Production of a planned 10 million doses this year is set to launch in July.
“The innovative production process will help create new jobs and allow Italy to control the entire production of the compound,” the chamber said in a statement. Financial terms were not released.
Italian lab to make Russian jab
Global Times – Russia sealed its first deal on Tuesday to manufacture the Sputnik V jab in the European Union (EU), as Europe is still struggling to step up its rollout, even if officials promise 100 million shots will enter the EU each month from April to June.
The EU’s industry commissioner Thierry Breton said Tuesday that the bloc’s vaccine strategy should this week be augmented with the addition of Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot jab.

With approval expected “within the next, hopefully, days or hours,” he said, that would bring the number of vaccines in use across the 27 member states to four, on top of ones from BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca.
Vaccini: L’Italia produrrà lo Sputnik, gelo dell’Ue
Ansa – Anche la Spagna candidata a produrlo. Ritardi per il vaccino Johnson&Johnson ma confermate 200 milioni di dosi entro il 2021.

Lo Sputnik V entra a gamba tesa nel dibattito italiano (ed europeo) sui vaccini, proprio nel giorno in cui Johnson&Johnson avrebbe comunicato all’Ue di avere “problemi” a garantire le forniture pattuite. Come hanno riferito fonti Ue all’agenzia Reuters, J&J ha comunicato all’Unione Europea di avere problemi di approvvigionamento che potrebbero complicare i piani per fornire 55 milioni di dosi del suo vaccino nel secondo trimestre dell’anno.
Il vaccino russo Sputnik sarà prodotto in Italia, primo paese in UE
RAI – Lo annuncia la Camera di Commercio Italo-Russa in una nota pubblicata sul suo sito internet. “Attualmente non sono in corso colloqui per integrare lo Sputnik V nella strategia Ue sui vaccini”, ha replicato all’annuncio un portavoce della Commissione Ue. Rasi: “Su efficacia Sputnik mancano dati, non sappiamo nulla”.