The Guardian – Fast-spreading blazes destroy 20,000 hectares of forest and force 1,500 people to be evacuated from homes.

Firefighters are working to put out wildfires that have spread quickly across parts of south-western Sardinia, destroying 20,000 hectares (50,000 acres) of forest and forcing 1,500 people to be evacuated from their homes.
Many agricultural businesses and private properties have been damaged by the fires, which began on Saturday in the province of Oristano.
Wildfires Ravage Sardinia in ‘a Disaster Without Precedent’
The New York Times – A 25-mile swath of vegetation, farms and villages is hit by one of the largest wildfires in decades, devastating the Italian tourist destination.

About 1,000 residents and tourists have been evacuated from areas of western Sardinia that were ravaged by wildfires over the weekend, with forests, pastures and villages on the Italian island engulfed in flames. “It is a disaster without precedent,” said the region’s governor, Christian Solinas, invoking a state of emergency on Sunday.
Italy wildfires: Hundreds of people forced from their homes in Sardinia’s ‘unprecedented disaster’
Sky New – Wildfires, which broke out over the weekend, have consumed around 20,000 hectares in the province of Oristano in Italy.
Roghi in Sardegna, due focolai ancora attivi. Pastore rischia la vita per salvare 400 pecore
Ansa – Allerta gialla su tutta l’isola. Preoccupa l’arrivo del maestrale, emergenza idrica in alcuni Comuni. Incendi anche in Sicilia e nella Val Pescara

Ha visto arrivare il fuoco e l’ha sfidato, perché rischiava di perdere il suo bestiame, 400 pecore, che è riuscito a mettere in salvo ma ha perso un capannone, due cavalli e 180 balle di fieno. “Abbiamo tentato due volte – racconta all’ANSA Dante Casule, allevatore di Cuglieri con il bestiame a Sennariolo – con pompe e altri sistemi.