GlobalNews – Andrea Rovere was fatally struck while riding his bike on Sept. 27 heading South on Parc Avenue, at the corner of Mont-Royal Avenue. This is the 15th ghost bike installed by Velo Fantome this year, and seven of them involved a collision with a heavy-duty truck.
Cyclist killed at busy intersection in Montreal’s Plateau neighbourhood honoured with ghost bike

CBC – Death of Andrea Rovere, 31, renews calls for better safety measures on Parc and Mont-Royal. Hundreds of people gathered at the corner of Parc and Mont-Royal avenues in Montreal’s Plateau neighbourhood Sunday to commemorate the life of a cyclist killed in a hit-and-run last week.
Hundreds mourn cyclist killed in Plateau hit and run as ghost bike installed

MontrealGazette – The installation honouring Andrea Rovere, 31, is the 15th memorial put up by Vélo fantôme in Montreal. A couple of hundred people gathered Sunday at the corner of Parc and Mont-Royal avenues to erect a ghost bike in memory of 31-year-old postdoctoral student Andrea Rovere, killed by a truck in a hit-and-run collision last Monday.
Ghost bike to honour cyclist fatally struck at busy Montreal intersection
CTVNews – Friends, concerned residents, and family members of a cyclist struck and killed last week at a busy Montreal intersection gathered Sunday to honour his life and to call for action on bike safety. Montreal bike safetey advocacy group Vélo fantôme installed its 15th memorial “ghost bike” — a white bicycle — to serve as a cenotaphe for Andrea Rovere, who died following an accident at Park Street and Mount Royal Avenue. On Sept. 27, at around 3:30 p.m., police received several 911 calls to report a truck driver allegedly hit the cyclist and fled the scene.
Un vélo fantôme installé à la mémoire du cycliste mort

Le Devoir – Un vélo blanc a été installé dimanche matin pour honorer la mémoire d’Andrea Rovere, percuté mortellement par un camion lundi dernier. Plus de 300 personnes étaient sur place selon les organisateurs, à l’angle des avenues du Parc et du Mont-Royal, pour rendre hommage à cet homme de 31 ans.
Une plaque commémorative a aussi été placée à proximité des lieux du drame. « À la mémoire de cette personne, nous érigeons un symbole pour susciter une réflexion sur les dangers des véhicules motorisés et des infrastructures déficientes, tout en commémorant la vie de la victime », avait lancé en guise d’invitation le regroupement Vélo fantôme.
L’assurda morte di Andrea Rovere
Corriere Italiano – Il ciclista-Postdottorando è stato travolto da un camion all’incrocio tra l’avenue du Parc e l’avenue Mont-Royal lunedì 27 settembre. Quello che non ti aspetti! O meglio, magari te lo aspetti, vista l’assoluta incuranza e il non rispetto delle regole stradali, anche quelle più elementari, con cui certi automobilisti e camionisti affrontano giornalmente le strade di Montréal.
Andrea Rovere, scienziato-ricercatore di 31 anni, originario di Fiumicino (Roma), a Montréal dal 2015 per un Dottorato in Scienze dell’energia e dei materiali e per un Postdottorato, sempre sullo stesso tema, presso l’INRS-EMT (Institut national de recherche scientifique – Centre Energie, Matériaux et Télécommunications) di Varennes, ha trovato la morte nel primo pomeriggio dello scorso 27 settembre mentre transitava in bicicletta all’incrocio tra le avenue du Parc e Mont-Royal.