CNN Travel – Where to travel 2022: The best destinations to go
Travel is more challenging now than it has been in a long time. Borders tentatively reopen only to slam shut again. A once-simple visa on entry is replaced with piles of paperwork. And the whole world is brushing up on the Greek alphabet whenever a new variant makes headlines.
Cut Naples and it bleeds classic Italy. Pizza was born here; Sophia Loren was raised in its cobbled streets. Ancient ruins lie beneath modern suburbs. Scooters zigzag past faded-glory palazzos, built when the southern city was its own sovereign state. Hand gestures are an art form here. And that fabled Italian friendliness? This is where it is forged. But why go now? Because Naples is booming. The centro storico is pulsating with energy. Sassy, non-cookie-cutter hotels are opening up — like Atelier Inès, which is part jewelry workshop, part arty guesthouse. Areas which were previously considered no-go for tourists are finally being seen in a different light. The Sanità district, once looked down on, is now the place to be — visitors are flocking to its networks of ancient catacombs, and neighborhood artist Paolo La Motta is suddenly on display amid works by Louise Bourgeois and Anish Kapoor at the former royal palace of Capodimonte.There’s more to come: New archaeological sites are due to open in 2022 which, although under wraps for now, will shed new light on Greek and Roman Neapolis, as it was called back then. Outside the city, Pompeii is unveiling newly excavated ruins and new ideas — like the Pompeii ArteBus, which shuttles visitors around nearby, lesser known villas, for free. Offshore, island Procida will be Italy’s Capital of Culture for 2022. But really, this is Naples’ year. — JB
Cnn travel: “È l’anno di Napoli: la città tra le migliori destinazioni turistiche del 2022”
Tra i luoghi da visitare secondo la testata, il rione Sanità, le catacombe e Capodimonte.

Per la Cnn travel Napoli è tra le 22 migliori destinazioni turistiche del 2022. Unica italiana in classifica, la città brilla per mostre, monumenti, “proverbiale cordialità italiana”, quartieri e naturalmente la pizza. Perché visitare Napoli ora? “Perché la città di Sofia Loren è in piena espansione – si legge nell’articolo – il centro storico pulsa di vitalità e i rioni un tempo vietati ai turisti mostrano una nuova luce”. Tra i posti da visitare citati dall’articolo, la Sanità, le catacombe e il museo di Capodimonte con la mostra di Paolo La Motta “tra le opere di Louise Bourgeois e Anish Kapoor nell’ex palazzo reale”.
C’è dell’altro in arrivo, nel 2022 “dovrebbero essere aperti nuovi siti archeologici che, anche se per ora nascosti, getteranno nuova luce sulla Neapolis greca e romana, come si chiamava allora. Fuori città, Pompei sta svelando rovine appena scavate e nuove idee, come il Pompeii ArteBus, che trasporta gratuitamente i visitatori nelle ville vicine e meno conosciute. Al largo, l’isola di Procida sarà Capitale Italiana della Cultura per il 2022. Ma davvero, questo è l’anno di Napoli”.