TheGuardian – The French cultural institution, which turns 75 this year, has always been a battle between radicalism and elitism – but that’s what makes it so essential.

The Truman Show is a 1990s Hollywood movie about a man who lives in a bubble, cut off from the world. As played by Jim Carrey, Truman Burbank – surrounded by actors, his every move dogged by cameras – stares at a stage set and believes that it’s real. In the film’s final scene he climbs the stairs, finds a door and prepares to escape his gilded cage.
That keynote image – Truman’s ascent against a painted sky – is now the official poster for the forthcoming Cannes film festival, soon to be plastered on programmes, Blu-Tacked in shop windows and rigged like a godhead across the concrete Palais. And while we should be wary of judging an event by its cover, the choice of image feels apt. The organisers picked it, they say, because it “represents a poetic celebration of the quest for expression and freedom”. Others may read it as a self-owning comment on the festival as a whole.
Cannes: ‘Final Cut’ apre il Festival
ANSA – Come da tradizione tutti i fari accesi sulla Croisette nella giornata inaugurale del Festival di Cannes saranno puntati oggi – alle sette della sera – sull’unico, autentico evento della giornata: la ormai celebre “montée des marches”, ovvero l’ascesa all’empireo cinematografico in passerella per fotografi, fans, curiosi. Per l’ultima volta quest’anno sarà la “coppia regina” composta dal Presidente Pierre Lescure e dal direttore Thierry Fremaux ad accogliere ospiti d’onore, giurati, volti noti dello star system e i protagonisti del film d’apertura.
Un Festival de Cannes entre pandémie et guerre
Le Devoir – De Paris, se rendre à Cannes en train tenait lundi de la mission impossible. Un convoi bloqué à Toulon durant de longues heures pour cause d’avaries non élucidées. Des voix d’employés nous implorant de surveiller nos bagages, car des pickpockets commençaient à voler des valises. Un Uber attrapé en trio pour se rendre à bon port : 90 kilomètres sur le chemin côtier. Hardi, les braves ! Cannes se mérite.

À l’arrivée, la Croisette s’agitait en cette veille d’ouverture. L’affiche hommage à The Truman Show (pas très réussie) se démultipliait au fronton du Palais, bleu ciel pour mieux se mirer dans un firmament radieux. Et le bourdonnement cannois circulait déjà dans les rues, ce mélange babélien de français, d’anglais, d’italien, d’allemand, interrompu par les klaxons des chauffeurs grognant contre les embouteillages. La guerre semblait bien loin.