BBC – Far-right leader Giorgia Meloni has claimed victory in Italy’s election, and is on course to become the country’s first female prime minister.

Ms Meloni is widely expected to form Italy’s most right-wing government since World War Two.
That will alarm much of Europe as Italy is the EU’s third-biggest economy.
However, speaking after the vote, Ms Meloni said her Brothers of Italy party would “govern for everyone” and would not betray people’s trust.
“Italians have sent a clear message in favour of a right-wing government led by Brothers of Italy,” she told reporters in Rome, holding up a sign saying “Thank you Italy”.
She is set to win 26% of the vote, based on provisional results, ahead of her closest rival Enrico Letta from the centre left.
Italy shifts to the right as voters reward Meloni’s party
TorontoStar — A party with neo-fascist roots, the Brothers of Italy, won the most votes in Italy’s national elections, looking set to deliver the country’s first far-right-led government since World War II and make its leader, Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s first woman premier, near-final results showed Monday.
Italy’s lurch to the far right immediately shifted Europe’s geopolitical reality, placing a euroskeptic party in position to lead a founding member of the European Union and its third-largest economy. Right-wing leaders across Europe immediately hailed Meloni’s victory and her party’s meteoric rise as sending a historic message to Brussels.
Italy elections: Giorgia Meloni hails ‘night of pride’ as exit polls point to far-right coalition victory
TheGuardian – The leader of the Brothers of Italy party appears set to become country’s first female PMGiorgia Meloni has claimed victory in Italy’s elections and promised to govern for all Italians, after exit polls gave her rightwing coalition a clear majority, putting her on course to create the most rightwing government since the end of the second world war.

With full results due on Monday, the Brothers of Italy leader is set to become Italy’s first female prime minister – and a model for nationalist parties across Europe as she heads one of the EU’s six original member states.
The poll, for Italian broadcaster Rai, gave the rightwing coalition 41%-45% against 25.5%-29.5% for the leftwing bloc. The populist Five Star Movement was on 13.5%-17.5%.
Italy swings to the hard right after clear election victory by Giorgia Meloni, who is set to emerge as the country’s first female prime minister
Italy voters shift sharply, reward Meloni’s far-right party
CTVNews – Italian voters rewarded Giorgia Meloni’s euroskeptic party with neo-fascist roots, propelling the country toward what likely would be its first far-right-led government since Second World War, based on partial results Monday from the election for Parliament.

In a victory speech, far-right Italian leader Giorgia Meloni struck a moderate tone after projections based on votes counted from some two-thirds of polling stations showed her Brothers of Italy party ahead of other contenders in Sunday’s balloting.
“If we are called to govern this nation, we will do it for everyone, we will do it for all Italians and we will do it with the aim of uniting the people (of this country),” Meloni said at her party’s Rome headquarters.
Giorgia Meloni Wins Voting in Italy, in Breakthrough for Europe’s Hard Right
TheNewYorkTimes – Italy turned a page of European history on Sunday by electing a hard-right coalition led by Giorgia Meloni, whose long record of bashing the European Union, international bankers and migrants has sown concern about the nation’s reliability in the Western alliance.
Results released early Monday showed that Ms. Meloni, the leader of the nationalist Brothers of Italy, a party descended from the remnants of fascism, had led a right-wing coalition to a majority in Parliament, defeating a fractured left and a resurgent anti-establishment movement.
Elezioni 2022, Meloni: ‘E’ il tempo della responsabilità. Governeremo per tutti gli italiani’
ANSA – L’Italia svolta a destra, Fdi è primo partito. Pd al 19%, M5s terza forza, Lega in calo. Affluenza alle 23 al 63,95%, mai così bassa.

Al Senato la coalizione di centrodestra prende almeno 114 seggi e mette in sicurezza la possibilità di governare in autonomia.
Alla Camera sfiora il 43 per cento e vola. Giorgia Meloni stravince e fa volare Fdi con gli alleati interni indeboliti e la Lega di Salvini vicina al crollo. Tiene Forza Italia, almeno rispetto agli ultimi sondaggi.
FdI è infatti nettamente il primo partito italiano con quasi il 26 per cento di consensi, seguito dal Pd che con il 19,4% non sfonda il tetto minimo cercato del 20%.
Exploit del Movimento Cinque stelle che rimane il terzo partito italiano con il 16,5 per cento. Crolla invece la Lega all’8,5 per cento tallonata da Forza Italia data all’8%.
Il centrosinistra alla Camera raggiunge il 26,8%, Il M5s il 16% e il terzo polo si ferma al 7,5 per cento. Queste sono le indicazioni che escono dagli exit poll e che danno il centrodestra avanti sia alla Camera che al Senato con la stessa forchetta tra il 41,5% e il 45,5%. Le prime proiezioni fissano il numero a metà, cioè al 42,7 per cento.
Affluenza alle 23 al 63,91%, mai così bassa. Oltre nove punti in percentuale in meno del 2018.