Financial Times – Inter Milan and Atlético Madrid join English football sides in quitting breakaway competition

Plans to create a breakaway European Super League have collapsed after most of the football clubs involved said they would quit the controversial project. On Wednesday, Italy’s AC Milan and Inter Milan and Atlético Madrid of Spain said they would no longer participate, a day after Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur all announced they would withdraw from the proposed new league. The reversals came after a day of frantic behind-the-scenes discussions at the Super League clubs following international condemnation over their involvement in a project that threatened to overturn the hierarchy of the world’s most popular sport. Twelve clubs from England, Spain and Italy signed binding contracts last weekend to enter the competition but teams from France and Germany declined to participate.
England’s big six have backed down but Super League fight isn’t over
TheGuardian – The energy of football’s outrage over the Super League has been heartening, but this is just a retreat, a ceasefire.
As the sun dipped below the roof-line of Stamford Bridge something strange began to happen. The birds flew backwards through the sky, the cats barked, the trees turned a tangerine hue, and Roman Abramovich became, at a stroke, the protector of the people’s game, enemy of the elites, the oligarch of the masses.
What world is this we have now entered? How far have we travelled through the looking glass? What powerful hallucinogenic drugs have been administered to lead us in the space of three days to a place where the hordes of football supporters on the Fulham Road can proclaim English football’s original – and most dizzyingly transformative oligarch – as their white knight, tender of the grass roots, pharaoh of pyramid and all the rest of it?
Fonseca: “Contro la Superlega, orgoglioso di chi ha detto ‘no’. I tifosi sono tutto”
Corriere dello Sport – Le parole del tecnico giallorosso alla vigilia della sfida contro l’Atalanta

La Roma cerca il riscatto dopo il tracollo di domenica scorsa contro il Torino. La squadra di Paulo Fonseca affronta domani pomeriggio l’Atalanta di Gasperini, squadra che negli ultimi tre confronti non è mai riuscita a battere. Questo pomeriggil il tecnico Fonseca è intervenuto in conferenza stampa per presentare il match.
Superlega, il Milan rompe il silenzio: “Sensibili ai tifosi ma serve un modello sostenibile”
Gazzetta dello Sport – Nota del club rossonero che dà conto delle preoccupazioni dei fan ma non rinnega il progetto della Superlega: “L’evoluzione è necessaria per progredire. Continueremo a impegnarci per definire il futuro del calcio”