MATERA, Italy (AP) — A meeting of foreign and development ministers from the Group of 20 nations Tuesday ended with agreement to boost efforts to fight growing hunger in the world, worsened by the pandemic, especially in Africa, as well as climate change effects.

But there were also notes of discord, with Germany and China taking jabs at each other over vaccine policy for developing countries.
Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, who hosted the meeting, argued that assistance projects in Africa will also affect migration from the continent to Europe.
“The G-20 has the duty to sustain Africa in emerging from a difficult period,” he said at a closing news conference.
“We must do it in a way so that in Africa, people aren’t forced any more to abandon their country and their territory, and I don’t think anyone can carry out this battle alone,” said Di Maio, who announced that Italy would host a conference in October in Rome focused on Africa.
G-20 talks in Italy yield pledge to fight hunger in Africa
APnews — MATERA, Italy — A meeting of foreign and development ministers from the Group of 20 nations Tuesday ended with agreement to boost efforts to fight growing hunger in the world, worsened by the pandemic, especially in Africa, as well as climate change effects.

But there were also notes of discord, with Germany and China taking jabs at each other over vaccine policy for developing countries.
Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, who hosted the meeting, argued that assistance projects in Africa will also affect migration from the continent to Europe.
“The G-20 has the duty to sustain Africa in emerging from a difficult period,” he said at a closing news conference.
“We must do it in a way so that in Africa, people aren’t forced any more to abandon their country and their territory, and I don’t think anyone can carry out this battle alone,” said Di Maio, who announced that Italy would host a conference in October in Rome focused on Africa.
G20, a Matera la riunione dei ministri degli Affari esteri e dello Sviluppo
RAINews – Il rilancio della cooperazione multilaterale come chiave nella lotta alla pandemia e al cambiamento climatico, per uno sviluppo sostenibile anche dei paesi più poveri: questo il cuore della strategia italiana per il vertice. Di Maio: “Multilateralismo essenziale contro sfide globali”.
Multilateralismo, Africa e sicurezza alimentare: sono questi i temi centrali della riunione dei ministri degli Esteri del G20 oggi a Matera, seguita da una sessione congiunta con i ministri dello Sviluppo. Nella città lucana sono arrivati questa mattina, dopo la cerimonia di benvenuto di ieri sera a Bari al Castello Svevo, i ministri degli Esteri del Gruppo delle 20 principali economie del mondo, accolti dal titolare della Farnesina Luigi Di Maio. “Per ricostruire insieme e meglio non dobbiamo lasciare nessuno indietro”, ha sottolineato il ministro. I lavori hanno luogo a Palazzo Lanfranchi.